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  • A new begining in Fish importing

    The demands in China for the natural and pollution free fishes are increasing continuosly, after many years'' investigation, Dalian Cheng Cheng and Two Rivers Fisheries built ECO FISH PRODUCTS INC. in USA at the end of 2016, they have built their own fishing fleet and fishermen, this new company engaged in catching and processing and export these Asia carp species to China, all these fishes are come from the Mississip river, Ohio rivers as well as Lake Barkley and kentucky Lake.  The quantities of these Asia carp species are very large which have affected other species in these rivers and lakes, Americans do not prefer to eat these fishes but the Chinese like. Because these fishes are naturally growing, each fish is about 4kgs or more, even more than 15kgs, some are one meter''s long. So, Chinese customers like the tasty and nutrition of these fishes.


    13.JPGThe local newspaper THE PADUCAH SUN also pay attention on the new company''''''''s foundation, they have special article about the ECO FISH PRODUCTS INC.


    Sales Hot-Line:86+411-82735166    Fax:86-411-82735366
    Add:Rm3910,Tower A Times Square,No.27 MingZe Street,Zhongshan District,Dalian China
    Copyright © Dalian Cheng Cheng Import And Export Co., Ltd.    辽ICP备180066880